(For a complete list of publications Pubmed

  • Gao, Y., Vakoc CR. Therapeutic index of targeting select chromatin complexes in human cancer patients. Curr Opin Genet Dev. (2024)

  • Gao, Y., He XY., Wu, X., Huang Y., Toneyan S., Ipsaro, J., Ha, T., Koo, P., Joshua-Tor, L., Bailey, K., Egeblad, M., Vakoc, C.# “ETV6 dependency in Ewing sarcoma by antagonism of EWS-FLI1-mediated enhancer activation.” Nature Cell Biology (2023)

        Featured as the Cover Story for Feb issue at Nat Cell Biol

        Highlighted by Prof. Elizabeth R Lawlor at Nature Cell Biology

  • Gao, Y., Gan, H., Lou, Z., and Zhang, Z.# “Asf1a resolves bivalent chromatin domains for the induction of lineage-specific genes during mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2018)

  • Zhang K*, Gao, Y.*, Li J, Burgess R, Han J, Liang H, Zhang Z, Liu Y. “A DNA binding winged helix domain in CAF-1 functions with PCNA to stabilize CAF-1 at replication forks.” Nucleic Acids Res. (2016)

  • He XY, Gao, Y., Ng D., Michalopoulou E., George S., Adrover JM., Sun L., Albrengues J., Daßler-Plenker J., Han X., Wan L., Wu XS., Shui LS., Huang YH., Liu B., Su C., Spector DL., Vakoc CR., Aelst LV., Egeblad M.# “Chronic stress increases metastasis via neutrophil-mediated changes to the microenvironment.” Cancer Cell (2024)

  • Wen, Q., Zhou, J., Tian, C., Li, X., Song, G.*, Gao, Y., …, Gan, H.# “Symmetric inheritance of parental histones safeguards the fate of mouse embryonic stem cells during differentiation.” Nature Genetics(2024)

  • Tian, C., Zhou, J., Li, X.*, Gao, Y., Wen, Q., Kang, X., Wang, N., Yao, Y., Jiang, J., Song, G., Zhang, T., Hu, S., Liao, J., Yu, C., Wang, Z., Liu, X., Pei, X., Chan, K., Liu, Z. & Gan, H.# “Impaired histone inheritance promotes tumor progression.” Nature Communications (2023)

  • Tian C, Zhang Q, Jia J, Zhou J, Zhang Z, Karri S, Jiang J, Dickinson Q, Yao Y, Tang X, Huang Y, Guo T, He Z, Liu Z, Gao, Y., Yang X, Wu Y, Chan KM, Zhang D, Han J, Yu C, Gan H. “DNA polymerase delta governs parental histone transfer to DNA replication lagging strand.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2024)

  • Maia-Silva D, Cunniff PJ, Schier AC, Skopelitis D, Trousdell MC, Moresco P, Gao, Y., Kechejian V, He XY, Sahin Y, Wan L, Alpsoy A, Liverpool J, Krainer AR, Egeblad M, Spector DL, Fearon DT, Dos Santos CO, Taatjes DJ, Vakoc CR. “Interaction between MED12 and ΔNp63 activates basal identity in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.” Nature Genetics (2024)

  • Li X, Zhou J, Zhao W, Wen Q, Wang W, Peng H, Gao, Y., Bouchonville KJ, Offer SM, Chan K, Wang Z, Li N, Gan H. “Defining Proximity Proteome of Histone Modifications by Antibody-mediated Protein A-APEX2 Labeling.” Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics (2022)

  • Li J, Shi C, Gao, Y., Wu K, Shi P, Lai C, Chen L, Wu F, Tian C. “Structural studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv0899 reveal a monomeric membrane-anchoring protein with two separate domains. J Mol Biol. (2011)